Music Schedule is now posted! Check it out here
Flying Lotus * Vibesquad(2sets) * Freq Nasty * Random Rab * Bil Bless * Eliot Lipp * Bluetech * OTT (Live) * Kraddy * David Starfire * Fort Knox Five (Thunderball, John H) * Mochipet * Ill Gates * An-Ten-Nae * Marty Party * Ana Sia * Heyoka * Little John * Mozaic * CHRISTIAN MARTIN * Shawna * Brother * Timonkey * Sidecar Tommy * Nanda * Dov * Adam J * MIHKAL * Mad Zach * Rastatronics * Dub Pirates * AntAcid Crew * Kitty-D * R-Kidz * Lotus Drops * Digital Honey * Aaron Jae * Evinrude * Buckner * Mycho * Skull Trane * Zombie J * El Diablo * Blackheart * The Scritch * Cool Hand Luke * Crystal Awareness * Rob Monroy * Chlorophil * Smasheltooth * The Argument (Symbiosis) * Flook * Zaggasaurus and Minnesota * LeafyGreen * Clay * Shmonday Allstars * Nit Grit * Neptune * Ryan Jae * Ribotto * Mr. Rogers