CoFed will kick off the forum by hosting dinner at the Forum, starting at 6pm, for the first 100 or so festival diehards, and also a presentation. QUANTUM MEHNDI THERAPY
Integrating ancient and contemporary she has created Quantum Mehndi Therapy (aka sacred galactivational mehndi)- divinatory henna body art for emotional, cellular, & DNA re-patterning. Inspired by Dr Emoto's work with the crystalline structures of water, Nassim Haramein's Unified Field theories, quantum physics, cymatics, sacred geometry, phiometry, symbology, Reiki and more she paints visual representations of vibrations on the body (many times on correlating meridian lines) for specific healing and evolutionary effects. She enhances her henna paste with gem, planetary, floral, & mineral essences along with a Reiki meditation, to essentially use the body as the ultimate 'time is art' canvas for evolution.
John Harrison, PsyD., (cand.) has had life experiences ranging from mountaineer to massage therapist (at Esalen Institute), to Federal fugitive ( from injustice ) followed by a stint as a guest of our Bureau of Prisons,to methadone counselor to political activist and an advocate for a fair and just drug policy, to psychologist, to writer and researcher into compassionate addiction treatment, among many other incarnations. John is also a connoisseur of amazing and breathtaking sunsets. Mateo Williford: An Energy Revolution
Mateo Williford has worked in the world of solar energy for over 13 years. He is currently the Technologist for Sungevity, an Oakland based solar company developing new ways to bring solar to the rooftops of every home. Prior to that he was an action coordinator and renewables specialist for Greenpeace. This line of work took him from installing wind generators at proposed coal plants in Thailand to blockading off shore oil rigs in the Arctic ocean and working to pass the game changing Million Solar Roofs program here in California.
Chris Sia: Defeating Empire & The Rise of the Love Rebellion
Chris Sia is the co-founder & co-creator of the !Armageddon Prevention Team, a multimedia artist cadre dedicated to using the performance stage & canvas as a platform to address our impending global geo/socio-political & spiritual crises, and also seeing these crises as a catalyst for the evolution of consciousness. He has been the facilitator of the Visionary Forum for Raindance for the last three years, as well as performance artist, dj/music producer for all of the Raindance Festivals. He is deeply honored to serve his community again this way this year. |