Artists, Performers, and more...

AudioPixel provides a next-level visual experience driven by exclusive 3D LED software which is highly attuned to audio frequencies. Connecting audiences to sound through light, AudioPixel is a demonstration of next-generation software that has the potential to revolutionize audio-responsive lighting.


Roman VillagranaRoman Villagrana creates art as a campaign to inspire visionary community. Setting out to influence others to create by portraying a universal and harmonic culture he calls "Tribe13" is his mission. Believing in the representation of myth-creating reality powered by faith is his message. Art to him is a reflection of life and its infinite potential...

Roman has helped bring forth Tribe13 and the Inter-dimensional Art Movement as platforms for visionary community building and harmonic culture manifesting and hosts the annual Inter-dimensional Art Show in Seattle showcasing leading visionary art, music and fashion from around the world. You can see Roman at art shows or live performance painting at conscious events throughout the west coast and abroad including Canada and England.

In speaking about his inspirations, this celebrated Leader in Visionary Art shares the following words:

"Art is life, the energy that offers endless possibilities. I take inspiration from the heritage of our vast human culture' s past and also from futuristic meditations that art allows me to experience. I have been an artist since my earliest years believing it to be magic for the illusions that can be created by the simplest of lines. Now in an unstoppable momentum I have surrounded myself in art. It is my fun, work and mission. I focus on creating an image of harmony and the highest potential of human experience. It is essential to bring art into our lives to reflect our individuality and our culture. I offer my original work and services to individuals and businesses with the intent of promoting a healthier lifestyle and positive influence. I use many mediums depending on application and the inspiration of the moment. I take comfort in pen or pencil, paint and airbrush and computer work and I have terrazzo design experience.

In this day and age it is difficult to be an artist with a harmonious vision while the rest of the world is racing into it' s own destruction. I ask all to be conscious of networking with community and supporting individuals' creativity in our endeavor of survival, it is pointless to eradicate life on the quest to survive. It is my duty to offer my art and services and in turn provide for my family. I bring forth intent for a good life."


Clay ChollarClay Chollar Clay L. Chollar grew up in a very creative household in Santa Cruz where he was saturated by art and music from day one. For Clay, art isn't just something you do- it's something you live. He works freestyle letting the art manifest itself and reflect the energy around it. A truly interactive experience, you can watch as the paint comes to life before your very eyes. But if you get too close, the Art will turn you into the canvas...

Always looking to collaborate on multimedia and performance projects, Clay is constantly experimenting with pushing the boundaries creating new forms of art! He is currently working on a new art DVD, clothing line, and has founded "Constant Creation" an art collective and gallery, making his dreams a reality everyday.

More about Clay' s products and Vision may be found by logging on at



Jessica PerlsteinJessica Perlstein is a visual artist dedicated towards capturing the essence of beauty and sweetness in life. She creates visions that portray a sense of powerful peace and freedom within, with an emphasis on our connection to all life in nature. Using a variety of media, she utilizes patterns in nature and various types of symbolism to connect to the multiple levels of our consciousness... Through her work, she strives to remind us that even amidst the chaos of our times, we can still look towards the more positive aspects of life, and shift our minds towards a positive present and future. Based in San Francisco, she also creates art on the spot at events and festivals throughout the west coast, using the energy of the moment to guide her through the process.

More information and images from this divine spiritual artist can be found by logging onto



Haute Tauties Burlesque

Stella Noir and Roxy Reve, founders of Haute Tauties Burlesque, are sirens of the stage captivating their audience with both traditional and Avante Garde burlesque. They perform regularly for Bombshell Betty & Hubba Hubba Revue in San Francisco as well as Club Flap in Los Angeles. They most recently performed on the main stage at the Nexus Fire Ball. Haute Tauties Burlesque look forward to performing at Raindance, Nacarubi Festival, Burning Man and supperclub SF & LA this summer.